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Health in the Office: How Nutrition and Exercise Can Unleash Creativity
The concept of matter can be understood as a form of energy whose vibration has been reduced to a level that can be perceived by the senses.”
Albert Einstein
Ancient yoga texts indicate that matter exhibits three distinct qualities or gunas, to which it vibrates: sattva, rajas, and tamas. These Sanskrit terms are translated to mean illumination, action, and inertia, respectively. They assist us in learning how to nourish ourselves in a healthy manner and in achieving equilibrium within our bodies, minds, and vital energies. All elements of the external environment are a combination of these three qualities, with one often prevailing over the others. Ayurveda, the Sanskrit term meaning “science of the knowledge of life,” offers various methods for raising our vibrational level and unlocking our creative potential.
It is important to note that the foods we consume play a significant role in this regard. The sattvic diet, which includes fresh, organic fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains, is recommended for its significant positive effects on the mind. These foods are light, easily digestible, and enhance mental clarity. Adopting this type of diet, even at the office and during work hours, is crucial for effectively distributing our mental energy throughout the day, leading to better work and emotional performance.
The positive impact of food is further enhanced by regular physical activity. There are simple yoga asanas or postures that can be performed daily in the office, perhaps during a break, to improve focus and concentration, relieve stress, and increase body awareness. It is common for people to become out of touch with their bodies, allowing accumulated tension to build up in areas like the jaw or shoulders. Regularly performing simple stretching exercises, such as seated twists or forward bends, can help release these tensions, providing a boost of mental energy.
The current imbalance in lifestyles is causing an increase in cases of anxiety-induced dyspnoea, a condition characterised by short or laboured breathing, also known as air hunger. This is why breath control, or pranayama, is the most effective yoga technique for enhancing vital energy and reconnecting with the most essential part of our being. It can be practised anywhere in just a few minutes, and the benefits are immediate.
At this point, one is ready for a soft meditation. By closing the eyes and withdrawing the senses, like a turtle retreating into its shell, it is possible, with practice, to still the mind, allowing inspiration and creativity to flow freely. There are various levels of meditation, but simply dedicating a few minutes a day to silent introspection is a good starting point for anyone looking to connect with the infinite source of creativity within us. This can help to free ourselves from mental constraints and lethargy, which are the main enemies of productivity.
EuroHive places a strong emphasis on the promotion of daily wellness practices, which are seen as a key factor in the well-being of people. EuroHive’s WELL certification aligns with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal SDG 3 Good Health and Well Being, which aims to achieve good health and well-being by 2030. This is achieved through the services and facilities it offers, including two vast green areas, The Moving Forest, a forest of 400 trees, and the Italian Zen Garden, an olfactory garden of medicinal plants. Additionally, there is an extensive pedestrian area dedicated to meditative walks and regenerative breaks, outdoor spaces for both socialising and working, such as the dehors, and indoor spaces designed with this goal in mind, such as the Relax Room.
For companies that prioritize organizational well-being, it is becoming increasingly important to consider the positive contributions their business activities make to society as a whole.
Trina Boyer is an expert in energy food and the founder of Bibliothè, an Ayurvedic restaurant and Indological library.